Tuesday, March 4, 2014

UKRAINISM* or national-ism*
(1255 and all that...)

* — any '-ism' is non-existent [VD]

Duke Daniil of Galicia
betrayed Orthodoxy in 1255

translated from Russian
Martin Miroslavovich
Béla Rus' – Our Deed Is Right!
Feb 28 , 2014 at 10:12 pm

To further understand current events in Ukraine, one has to clearly split its territory into two parts, [namely] the former Mala Rus [Small Rus'] and Galicia, which in 1939 the bolsheviks called Western Ukraine. It all started in the distant [year] 1255, when Duke Daniil of Galicia betrayed Orthodoxy and accepted from the Pope the Roman title 'King of Galicia'. He subdued the Church on the territory of the Galician-Volynsk Duchy to the Vatican in exchange for a promise of help in the war against the Mongol-Tatars. Of course, he saw no help from the West and all former fellow believers [of one faith], who could help him, he pushed away with this action of his. The Galician-Volynsk Rus' has since ceased to exist as an independent state. Already in the year 1339 it was captured by the Polish King Casimir the Great, and after Poland's split in 1772 it went into possession of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and there began a many-century long – in the literal sense – yoke and humiliation of the people, who – no matter what – reckoned themselves Russians and confessed the Orthodox faith.

The next milestone started in 1848 and we should dwell in greater detail on that moment [in time]. For all these centuries both Poland and then the Austrians up until 1848 officially recognized the national unity of both the Galicians, and other Mala Rus'-sians with the Russian people and there simply was no such concept as Ukraine and Ukrainians. The word "Ukrainec" [Ukrainian (of the outskirts)] started to be used at the end of 16th century as a degrading by-name. In the very Austria for the population of Galicia they used the word Russen, or just as the population called themselves – Rusiny. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

ABC – Proper Preparation
for Holy Communion
Правилна подготовка за Свето Причастие

Proper Preparation for Holy Communion
Catechetical Notes - by Archbishop Chrysostomos of Etna

Превод от английски

Правилна подготовка за Свето Причастие

Катехизисни бележки –
от архиепископ Хризостом Етнийски

Един важен въпрос на съблюдателното Православие е състоянието на чистотата на ума, тялото и душата, с които следва да пристъпваме към евхаристийното Тайнство, когато Тялото и Кръвта Христоши се размесват с нашата кръв, плът, стави и органи. Целта на Православното Християнство, а тя е обожествяването на човека чрез Божията благодат в съюз с Бого-Човека Иисус Христос, Архитипа на човешкото съвършенство, се характеризира прекрасно и ярко в това да поемем в телата си – чрез Тайнството Свето Причастие – Свещените Тяло и Кръв Христови – Самия Христос. Това причастяване в Христа се постига в един преднамерен акт на кеносис, или изпразване на самия себе си посредством физическо и духовно пречистване, така че оживотворяващите елементи на Евхаристията да биха могли да оживотворят нашите тела и души и да улеснят нашето обожение [теосис], или обожествяване и освещаване в Христа.

Мнозина православни [вярващи], както такива дошли от друго западно християнко вероизповедание, така и цели Православни организации под влиянието на западната мисъл и на икуменическата идеология, са загубили ясно разбиране на Евхаристията и нейното отразяване на тайнствените учения на Православието, които са толкова интимно свързани с исихастките традиции на Църквата. По този начин, те подхождат към Евхаристията по един повърхностен начин и с недостатъчно осъзнаване на необходимостта и неотменимостта – когато се прави това, на чистота в мислите и тялото, на постенето (включително, за женените двойки, въздържание от плътта), Тайнството на Изповедта, измолването на прошка от – и помирението със – онези, на които може да сме нанесли обида, даването на милостиня, както и всяка една практика, включително и това да се обличате скромно и подходящо, когато се причастявате, жените да са с покрити глави – [това е] което ни отделя от нашето паднало "аз" и изпразва от нас онова, което е несъвместимо с влизането на Божественото в духовно болните ни сърца и тела по време на Светото Причастие.

Последиците от това, че си позволяваме Свето Причастение без правилна подготовка, са ярко изложени от св. ап. Павел, който на недостойнството на неподготвените причастници приписва източникът на много от техните заболявания, а дори в някои случаи и смъртта им. Отците на Църквата също така са усърдни да изключат от Свето Причастие ония, които не са подготвили телата и умовете си за това да преживеят прекратяването на плътските дейности и очистването от мръсни пожелания. По подобен начин Свещените канони предлагат строги насоки за приемането на Свето Причастие. Макар и да препоръчват честото причастяване ("Лекарство за безсмъртие") за излекуване от духовно заболяване, те очертават един режим, както би направил и лекар при даването на определени физически лекарства, които вярващият трябва да следва, за да се въздържа от всичко несъвместимо с терапевтичното естество, цел и действия на Светото Причастие. Онези неща, които могат да попречат на преобразуващите ефекти на Евхаристията, или които могат да доведат до опасни странични въздействия, те усърдно увещавали причастникът да избягва.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Saint Spyridon of Trimythous –
a Zealous Defender of Orthodoxy

so much and simple

Translated from Russian

Памятник святителю Спиридону Тримифунтскому,
Крым, Кореиз, 2012
: Крылов Борис, Сидорук Олесь
A monument to St Spyridon of Trimthous
Crimea, Koreiz, 2012
Authers: Boris Krylov, Oles Sydoruk

Saint Spyridon of Trimythous 
a Zealous Defender of Orthodoxy
Reporter: Nun Vera incl. December 27, 2013 . Posted in From various sources (Views: 22)

Tags: Saint Spyridon trimifunsky , Orthodoxy, miracle

Saint Spyridon and his death never cease to bear witness to the true faith . A terrible and admonishing miracle occurred in 1719, three years after the Turkish invasion of Kerkyra /the Corfu island/.

The ruler of the island, the Venetian fleet admiral Andrea Pisani, his advisor Catholic Cardinal and certain Italian Catholics living on the island, decided to make a Catholic altar in the Orthodox Church of St. Spyridon. The admiral announced the decision to the temple priests and asked for their consent. Naturally, the clergymen refused, but that did not stop the governor.

Then the Orthodox priests and the local Orthodox appealed to Saint Spyridon [in prayer], pleading to protect the temple from the encroachments of Catholics.

At night Saint Spyridon appeared in a dream to the Venetian rulers and said, "Why are you bothering me? It is not proper for the altar of your faith to be in my church." The saint demanded that this goal be abandoned, warning that otherwise all the perpetrators would be punished. The scared ruler turned to his adviser, who said that this was simply a wicked trick by the devil.

Reassured, Pisani ordered the necessary materials for the making of the altar. Then the entire Orthodox population of the island began to pray even harder to their patron [Saint] that he would not allow the desecration of the holy place. That same night, Saint Spyridon – in monastic garb – again appeared in a dream to Admiral Pisani with the warning: "I told you not to bother me. If you dare start the implementation of your plan, you will be very sorry – but it will then be too late."

In the morning the Admiral told his advisor what he had seen [in a dream] but the latter – accusing Pisani of cowardice – only laughed and said that such an educated person cannot pay [any] attention to dreams.

On November 11, 1719, Admiral Pisani and his supporters started for the Church of St. Spyridon, seemingly to venerate the relics of the Saint and lit up a lamp. In fact, however, they came to the temple in order to carry out measurements of the place where they planned to have a Catholic altar. The Orthodox priests once again tried to prevent this but again of no avail: the papists did not concede, making preparation to start the implementation of their plan on the next day.

But these plans were not to materialize. On the night of November 12, a terrible storm rose in the sea, a storm began, thunders and lightnings shook the city. At midnight, the guard, who was at the entrance to the Fort Castelli fortress, saw an old man in monastic garb with a lighted torch in his hand. To his questions: "Who are you? Where are you going?" The old man replied: "It's me, Spyridon." At that same moment three tongues of flame burst out from the bell tower of the church; at the same time there was a deafening explosion – and the gunpowder warehouse – together with the nearby houses – blew up. Nine hundred Catholics (soldiers and civilians) were instantly killed by the explosion, killing all the instigators of this deed – not pleasing to God: Admiral Pisani was found dead – his neck was clamped between two logs, and the Cardinal was found behind the walls of the fortress in the sewer ditch. But this terrible explosion hurt no one Orthodox, since Catholics were forbidding them to be inside the fort after dark. Not injured either was the sentinel who saw St. Spyridon with a lit torch: during the explosion some unknown force picked him up and carried him away from the fortress – he did not get a single scratch.

In the church of St. Spyridon, the silver lamp given by the Admiral fell onto the floor, with the result that its base got damaged. That lamp has been re-hung in its place – and to this very day it is a silent witness to the tragedy. In the same hour, in Venice, another lightning struck the castle belonging to the admiral, broke the wall through and burned his portrait. Of all the castle, the only item to have suffered [damage] was the portrait.

Thus the zealous defender of Orthodoxy Saint Spyridon defended – through a great and terrible miracle – his people, his city, and his temple from desecration.

Спиридон Тримифунтский приближаеться...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

(The Studite Monastery)
(in Istanbul)

so much and simple

     Constantinople's oldest Church, the only one of the time-bracket between Constantine the Great and Justinian the Great that has survived, is the Church of St. John the Baptist at Studios [now known in Turkey as Imrahor Camii]. It is referred to as one of the most attractive ruins in today's Istanbul – roofless and romantically overgrown around its edges. 

     The Church was founded in 463 by a Roman patrician [consul] named Studium. Every year on the feast of the beheading of St. John the Baptist (29 August) the Emperor would come by sea to visit the Church whose most sacred relic was the head of the Baptist. [Apparently the latter acquired in the 13th C. the gift of {{{{bilocation}}}}[who's mocking...], for after the Fourth Crusade's loot had been distributed around Europe both Soissons and Amiens boasted the possession of the head of John the Baptist.]

     Today we approach the Church through what was originally the atrium, [or the courtyard of the mosque 1000 or so years later] with the ablution fountain still remaining. The narthex still shows much of its fine entrance portals with magnificently carved capitals, architrave and cornice. Inside, the Church is an empty shell but for the six lovely columns, each formed of a single block of verd antique. The entablature on top of this colonnade is still in place, popped up by scaffolding, but its carving, once rich, is now badly weathered. Originally, above it there was another row of support columns to the wooden roof. We can see parts of the fine opus sectile floor, the gift of Michael VIII Palaeologus after the restoration of the Byzantine Empire in 1261, in place of the flooring destroyed by the Fourth Crusade. The shell of the semi-circular apse still contains some of the structure of the mosque's mihrab with its askew orientation. But only our imagination may re-dress the walls with the rich marble revetments and mosaics of the days of the Church's glory. 

     This is the oldest Church in Istanbul, [the only example there of] a pure basilica, the first type of building used for Christian worship [the secular basilica had long been used for public assemblies of various kinds – from legal to social or imperial].

     The Church of St. John at Studios was originally attached to a monastery whose monks were known as 'Acoemetae', the sleepless ones, from their round-the-clock liturgizing, on a relay basis, with intercessions for the sins of the world. Under the iconoclast Emperors of the 8th C., the monastery clung tenaciously to the use of images in both art and worship; but it was not until 799 – when Theodore the Great became Abbot – that it rose to its full prominence. Under his guidance the monastery became not merely a centre of resistance to iconoclasm with the inevitable persecutions that this entailed but it also became a world-famous centre of scholarship, icon painting, manuscript interpreting, and sacred music composing.

     The Studite monastery produced several Patriarchs; and had two Emperors spending their enforced retirement here as monks in the 11th C., Isaac I Commenus and Michael VII Ducas. Isaac I had also studied here in his youth. Another Emperor, the much-hated Michael V Calaphates, was dragged screaming from his sanctuary here on April 21, 1042 [3 days after banishing his uncle John ... and his aunt Zoe to a convent], to be deposed and blinded [+ 24 August 1042, Estimated value $ 90,000, Gold histamenon nomisma (4.44 gr.), Extremely rare: probably less than eight specimens exist]. A son of the Ottoman Sultan Beyazid I, a covert Christian, was buried here in 1417. 

     After the Conquest of Constantinople in 1453, the Church and monastery remained Christian until about 1500 when Beyazid II's Master of Horse (imrahor) Ilyas Bey evicted the few remaining monks and converted the Church into a mosque – Imrahor Ilyas Bey Camii. Hardly a stone has remained of the monastery. Both it and the mosque were damaged badly in a fire in 1782, and were further destroyed by an earthquake in 1894, which turned the mosque into a roofless ruin.

     [[[where is your treasure?...]]] 



A Prayer Before Communion
by St Dimitry of Rostov

Open, O doors and bolts of my heart
that Christ the King of Glory may enter!
Enter, O my Light and enlighten my darkness;
enter, O my Life, and resurrect my deadness;
enter, O my Physician and heal my wounds;
enter, O Divine Fire, and burn up the thorns of my sins;
ignite my inward parts and my heart with the flame of Thy love;
enter, O my King, and destroy in me the kingdom of sin;
sit on the throne of my heart and [You] alone reign in me,
O Thou, my King and Lord.

To DOWNLOAD – a PHP /pdf/ Book on 10 Miracle-Working Icons of Theotokos

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- Стойко Попович (в писмо до сина си [Георги] Сава Раковски)

Higgs Boson / Holy Sepulchre / the Eye / Aurora Borealis / Rock (Mauritania)