Monday, August 19, 2024

Akathist to St. John, the Wonderworker of Rila, by St. Seraphim, Sofia wonderworker (Sobolev)


Akathist to St. John, the Wonderworker of Rila
and the Desert Dweller

Kontakion 1

Chosen by God and forerunner by life, the Monk John, having loved Christ from his youth, thou didst walk the narrow path to Him; And for the sake of thy feats and tears, thou hast been enriched by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. By the same token, as the great boldness of the Holy Trinity, we bless thee, beseeching thee: Deliver us from all our troubles, calling: Rejoice, O Venerable John, wonderworker of Rila, our glory and joy.

Ikos 1

Thou wast an earthly angel and a heavenly man, O Monk John. How shall we sing thy glory worthily, enduring many infirmities? But thou thyself put a song of praise in the ears of us, who call:

Rejoice, O thou born of pious parents; Rejoice, O thou who wast brought up by them in the fear of God.

Rejoice, O thou who didst depart from the Church from infancy; Rejoice, O thou who hast acquired a grace-filled mind through sacred teachings.

Rejoice, faithful keeper of the commandments of the Lord; Rejoice, O thou zealous worker of fasting and unceasing vigils.

Rejoice, O thou who didst distribute thy inheritance to the poor after the death of thy parents; Rejoice, O thou who didst persecute evil men for the sake of a good life.

Rejoice, O thou who endured unrighteous slander; Rejoice, O thou who hast borne vexation with meekness.

Rejoice, O thou who didst follow Christ in the love of the Seraphim; Rejoice, O thou who didst choose the narrow path of monasticism for her sake.

Rejoice, O Venerable John, Wonderworker of Rila, our glory and joy.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the vanity of this world, O Monk John, thou didst irrevocably turn away from it; For there is nothing that can separate thee from Christ: neither the bonds of kinship, nor thy youth, the glory of this world and beauty are inferior. For thou didst impute all this to nothing, like a deer upon the springs of water, and hast flowed up to God, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Thou didst submit to the divine mind, O blessed one, when thou didst see the Lord in a dream, commanding thee to come out of thy land and showing thee the place of thy salvation, and all that thou didst despise in the world, thou didst dwell in the monastery of Ruena, where thou didst take up the monastic image. For this reason we cry out to thee as follows:

Rejoice, thou who didst love the monastic life; Rejoice, O thou who didst fight against sin even unto death.

Rejoice, O thou who hast laid aside worldly desires from thy hair; Rejoice, O thou who hast aspired to monastic podvig with an insatiable thirst.

Rejoice, O thou who didst prostrate thyself into oblivion; Rejoice, O thou who hast found the sweetness of solitary life within thyself.

Rejoice, O thou who didst love the wilderness life for the sake of love; Rejoice, O thou who hast forsaken the place of thy tonsure for the sake of guilt.

Rejoice, O thou who hast come to the mountain in a vision that has appeared to thee; Rejoice, O thou who hast nothing, O thou who hast dwelt in the humming.

Rejoice, wondrous wilderness-dweller; Rejoice, imitator of John the Baptist.

Rejoice, O Venerable John, Wonderworker of Rila, our glory and joy.

Kontakion 3

By the power of the Holy Spirit, O John, thou didst dwell in the wilderness, to lead a silent life, to converse with God without hindrance, to glorify Him angelically unceasingly, to be illumined by the rays of Divine light, and for all people and the world to pray to the Saviour God, singing to Him ever: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a desire for the fiery vision of the God-seeing of Moses, O venerable one, Thou didst ascend the mountain the manifestations of the divine glory of perception, which the eye did not see, nor the ear heard, and which did not ascend in the heart of man. And who will be able to utter all thy feats, created in silence? But we, marveling at thy life, cry out to thee:

Rejoice, O thou who hast laid the burden of great podvig upon thy shoulders; Rejoice, O thou who didst astonish the angels with thy life.

Rejoice, for thou didst nourish thyself not with bread, but with grass; Rejoice, for thou didst eat little of that after the setting of the sun.

Rejoice, O thou who hast quenched thy thirst with water in moderation; Rejoice, O thou who together with the prophet cried out to God.

Rejoice, O thou who didst shed streams of tears from thy eyes; Rejoice, for thou didst send thy prayers unceasingly to God.

Rejoice, O thou who didst cleanse thyself of these feats from passions; Rejoice, O thou who didst frighten the demons in the image of the beast to shame.

Rejoice, O thou adamant, invincible by the intrigues of the enemy; Rejoice, O thou who wast always with God in all temptations and misfortunes.

Rejoice, O Venerable John, Wonderworker of Rila, our glory and joy.

Kontakion 4

Thou didst dwell in a certain gloomy cave, O Monk John, enslaving thy body and being deprived of the light of the sun, so that thou wouldst not be deprived of the Divine Light in the Kingdom of thy Lord, and that thou wouldst eat to Him there with all the saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing of thee, venerable one, the son of thy brother, Luke the lad, and having concealed thy parents, came to thee in the wilderness, and by thee we instruct thee, taking up thy asceticism. And we, by the power of thy grace, are terrified, crying out to thee:

Rejoice, O thou who didst illumine thy southerner with the Divine Light; Rejoice, O thou who didst make a little child of the wilderness.

Rejoice, O thou who hast received a new attack from the wickedness of old; Rejoice, O thou who didst endure slander in the abduction of a youth.

Rejoice, O thou who hast borne the rebuke of thy brother; Rejoice, O thou who hast strengthened the child torn away from thee by blessing.

Rejoice, O thou who hast put the devil to shame by the prayer of tears; Rejoice, O thou who didst unite the child from the serpent bitten by death to the Lord.

Rejoice, O thou who vegetated the flower of paradise on the stones of the Rila Mountains; Rejoice, O thou who hast been abundantly watered with living water from the Divine Stone.

Rejoice, O thou who didst not hide in the wilderness; Rejoice, O thou who didst enlighten the lamp of Christ in the darkness of the cave.

Rejoice, O Venerable John, Wonderworker of Rila, our glory and joy.

Kontakion 5

Like a God-flowing star, holy men are in essence: for they themselves do not march to Christ, but also show the way to other people of salvation. For this reason the All-Wicked One does them misfortune, as he did to you, John: for the thief who slew thee in the form of a thief, driving thee away from the cave first. Then thou didst enter the deep wilderness of Rylsk, and dwelt in the hollow of a great oak, glorifying thy Lord and singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing thy great anger, O venerable one, command the earth to bring forth slate for thy nourishment; And Thou art glorified as a shepherd, found near that wilderness, and we, too, together with those who have seen Thy wondrous works, cry out to Thee as follows:

Rejoice, O thou who didst receive great suffering from the demons; Rejoice, invincible soldier of Christ.

Rejoice, O thou who art not completely embittered by them; Rejoice, O thou who didst cover Christ with the Almighty Protection.

Rejoice, O thou glorified by the Lord in the presence of pastors; Rejoice, O thou who didst inform those who had found Thee of Thy life against their will.

Rejoice, O thou who didst nourish those with miraculous grain; Rejoice, O thou who didst instruct those who departed by a wondrous miracle.

Rejoice, O thou who didst preach from them to the rest of the people; Rejoice, O thou who didst not hide from the gifts of God that came to thee.

Rejoice, O thou who didst heal the suffering demon with tearful prayer; Rejoice, O thou who didst put all thy hope in God for the accomplishment of this miracle.

Rejoice, O Venerable John, Wonderworker of Rila, our glory and joy.

Kontakion 6

Preachers, thou shalt be thy humility, O Monk John, which was manifested before the healing of the demon in thy prayer: "O merciful God, thou art worthy to call Thy name by my unclean lips!"

Ikos 6

Thou hast shone forth with great miracles, and the people of Orthodoxy have brought great faith and love to thee. But to thy glory, which passed through all the land of Bulgaria, thou didst rise up from the oak, fleeing from the glory of men. By the same humility for thy sake we bless thee:

Rejoice, O thou who lovest divine humility; Rejoice, O thou who hatest the glory of man.

Rejoice, O thou who didst listen to the voice of Christ to humility; Rejoice, O thou who didst not give us the words of the Scriptures, but the glory of the Name of God, O thou who didst ever keep it.

Rejoice, O thou who hast attained exaltation and hast not seen any good deeds in thyself; Rejoice, O thou who didst bear fruit, bowing down with branches below, likened to the former.

Rejoice, O thou who didst humbly say to David, who said, "I am a worm, and not a man," who was jealous; Rejoice, O thou who cried out together with the Prophet Isaiah, "O accursed one."

Rejoice, O thou who didst name the sinner first with the Apostle; Rejoice, O thou who in thy humility didst imitate the Lord Himself.

Rejoice, O thou who didst valiantly resist vanity; Rejoice, O thou who didst straighten the dust of the earth under foot.

Rejoice, O Venerable John, Wonderworker of Rila, our glory and joy.

Kontakion 7

Wishing to take up great sufferings for the sake of thy ardent love for Christ, thou didst become like the wondrous stylite Simeon, ascending to the stone, O Monk John, in days and nights as a bodiless prayer, dipping the stone with tears and desiring to converse only with God. And we, beholding this feat, glorify the Almighty God in thee, wondrous in thee, and sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

O blessed one, the devil, unable to endure thy new podvig, will take with him a legion of demons, who have cast thee from the stone into a deep abyss. But with difficulty thou didst rise up, and hast ascended to the stone, and hast made thy prayers, and hast called to those who are amazed:

Rejoice, O thou who hast acquired great love for Christ; Rejoice, O thou who didst suffer for this reason from the armies of demons.

Rejoice, O thou who didst impute these sufferings to nothing; Rejoice, O thou who didst love Christ more than thy life.

Rejoice, O thou who wast separated from Christ; Rejoice, O thou beloved of Him for this reason.

Rejoice, O thou who hast been vouchsafed the service of the angels; Rejoice, O thou who didst eat bread from the hand of the Angel.

Rejoice, O thou who didst conquer all the devil's temptations through love for Christ; Rejoice, thou who hast kept all Christ's commandments.

Rejoice, O thou who didst seek only the glory of God for the sake of love; Rejoice, O thou who wast glorified by the Lord for this reason.

Rejoice, O Venerable John, Wonderworker of Rila, our glory and joy.

Kontakion 8

The strange image of thy life, thy great humility and love for Christ have increased in thee the grace which thou hast been granted in the baptism of Christ for the sake of the passion and death of the cross. For this reason the Lord created thee the spiritual sun of the Orthodox Church, that by thee her children may be enlightened unto salvation, and that they may cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Thou wast a vessel chosen by God's grace, great John, and the word of the Baptist was fulfilled in thee, for God giveth the Spirit beyond measure. With what grace-filled gifts has God not crowned thee? By what manifestations of grace was thy life not fulfilled? Looking at thee, we offer thee this praise of ours:

Rejoice, O thou who hast acquired the gift of Christ's humility; Rejoice, O thou who didst find grace of tears and tenderness.

Rejoice, O thou adorned with purity and chastity by God; Rejoice, O thou who wast miraculously illumined by faith.

Rejoice, O thou who didst not only believe in Christ, but also suffered for Him; Rejoice, O thou who hast been crowned with the gift of zeal for God.

Rejoice, O thou who art filled with love for thy neighbor; Rejoice, O thou who wast vouchsafed by the gift of Divine knowledge.

Rejoice, O thou who didst shine forth with the gift of clairvoyance; Rejoice, O thou who didst give unceasing prayer.

Rejoice, O thou who didst preserve to the end the hope of future bliss; Rejoice, O thou who hast tasted this bliss in this life.

Rejoice, O Venerable John, Wonderworker of Rila, our glory and joy.

Kontakion 9

Thou hast received every gift of the Holy Spirit, O Monk John, and has attained thy proclamation of the pious Tsar Peter, who hath seen thee longing for nine men to send unto thee. Thou didst understand their greedy in spirit, Thou didst feed them with little bread, Who saw this most glorious miracle, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The people of this world do not understand how Tsar Peter, who is in his glory, rushed to thee with gifts, O blessed one, and grieved, unable to approach thy holy place for the sake of the mountain rapids: but we, remembering the words of the Lord, saying to all people, "seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness," cry out to thee:

Rejoice, for thou hast attained the Kingdom of Heaven on earth; Rejoice, for this Kingdom, which has come in power, the Lord hath manifested unto thee.

Rejoice, O thou who didst manifest the Kingdom of God in the acquisition of grace to men; Rejoice, for in the flesh Thou didst conceal the bliss of paradise within Thyself.

Rejoice, O thou who hast acquired precious beads, Thou hast shown the vanity of temporal blessings; Rejoice, for thou didst have righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, O thou who hast eclipsed the royal glory with the radiance of grace; Rejoice, O thou who didst possess the treasure of heaven, Thou didst not receive the royal gifts.

Rejoice, for thou didst promise Tsar Peter to see one another in the heavenly kingdom; Rejoice, for thou didst exhort the king in thy Scriptures to be merciful and obedient to the Church.

Rejoice, O thou who didst teach the king repentance; Rejoice, for for the sake of repentance Thou didst prophesy the eternal kingdom to him.

Rejoice, O Venerable John, Wonderworker of Rila, our glory and joy.

Kontakion 10

To save thyself to the end, from the snares of the enemy, O Monk John, thou didst abide in the asceticism of standing on a stone for seven years and four months. And many who were jealous of thee, having built a church and a monastery near thy rock, having made thee the first ruler and shepherd, let the hymn of praise to God be sent forth from hence: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall is insurmountable, thy humility is unto death, O blessed John; For understanding the time of thy departure, thou didst lift up a tearful prayer to God, saying: "O Father Almighty, thou hast done nothing good on earth! For this reason I beseech Thee to command the good Angel to come, that I may not be hindered from ascending from the spirits of evil! O Lord, in Thy hands I commend my spirit!" And we, marveling at this righteous repose, thus bless thee:

Rejoice, O thou who didst teach us by thy life and departure; Rejoice, O thou who didst call upon us from above, and not from the earthly.

Rejoice, O thou who didst partake of the pleasures of the world; Rejoice, O thou who didst receive a blessed end from God.

Rejoice, O thou who hast ever thought of death in thy life; Rejoice, O thou who didst fulfill the words of the Apostle "I die all my days."

Rejoice, O thou who longest for death with the Apostle Paul; Rejoice, O thou who hast ever departed from Christ.

Rejoice, O thou who hast prepared thyself for death with tears and prayers; Rejoice, O thou who didst come from death not to judgment, but to life.

Rejoice, O thou who didst partake of eternal joy with Christ after death; Rejoice, O thou who hast acquired great boldness before God.

Rejoice, O Venerable John, Wonderworker of Rila, our glory and joy.

Kontakion 11

With the singing of a moleben I will bless thee in time, the fragrance of thy grave will begin to flow from thy grave, O Monk John. For this reason thy tomb was opened, and thy body was found incorruptible and filled with fragrance. From then on, many miracles are wrought from thy relics for healing, those who come to thee and cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

O Venerable Lord, O Lord, and the temple of the Holy Spirit, and preserve thy body without corruption. Beholding this grace, we glorify thee:

Rejoice, O thou who didst preach the omnipotence of God through thy incorruption; Rejoice, O thou who didst foreshadow the immortality of the body.

Rejoice, O thou who didst manifest the glory of God in the Church through thy incorruption; Rejoice, O thou who hast affirmed the truth of the resurrection of the dead.

Rejoice, O thou who didst appear in a dream to the abbot of the monastery of Rilsk after his death; Rejoice, O thou who didst bring thy relics to the city of Sredets.

Rejoice, O thou who didst perform wondrous miracles here; Rejoice, O thou who didst bring great signs to the city of Thorns.

Rejoice, O thou who didst shed grace from thy relics in the cities of the capital; Rejoice, O thou who wast terrified in captivity by the strength of all.

Rejoice, O thou who didst grant healing to Manuel the king of Greece; Rejoice, O thou who didst bind and open the tongue of the Bishop of Ostrigom.

Rejoice, O Venerable John, Wonderworker of Rila, our glory and joy.

Kontakion 12

The Lord has bestowed great grace upon thee for much love, O Venerable Father of God, our venerable Father John, to heal infirmities, to enlighten those who have gone astray, and to all who ask to be for salvation. Thanking the Lord, Who has given us unto thee, we ever call unto him: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing a song to thee, we are perplexed how all thy wondrous deeds can be depicted by thy words as feeble, Venerable One! Seeing thee great among the saints of God, we dare to praise thee, calling:

Rejoice, O thou who didst precede in asceticism and labor; Rejoice, O thou glorified by God glorified by thee.

Rejoice, O thou who didst shine forth far outside the Church of Bulgaria; Rejoice, O thou who art venerated by other Orthodox Churches.

Rejoice, O thou who dwelt with an incorruptible right hand in the Church of Russia; Rejoice, O thou who didst shine with the grace of the great fathers of the Church.

Rejoice, O thou who didst manifest the feats of the Monks Anthony and Macarius; Rejoice, O thou who didst foreshadow the deeds of the Russian luminaries Sergius and Seraphim.

Rejoice, O thou glorified by the king of Ungar; Rejoice, venerable from the sultans of Tours.

Rejoice, O thou who art still revered in the monastery of Rylsti by the faithful and the unfaithful; Rejoice, O thou who art glorified by all for the sake of Thy miracles.

Rejoice, O Venerable John, Wonderworker of Rila, our glory and joy.

Kontakion 13

O great John, Wonderworker of Rylsk! Accept this little praise of ours and pray for us to the Lord, that He may bestow upon us His mercy and teach us true repentance, deliver us from the power of the rulers of the darkness of this world and preserve us in the Orthodox faith and grace-filled life under the wondrous protection of the Mother of God, that through thy intercession we may cry out to God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer to St. John, the Wonderworker of Rila and the Wilderness Dweller

O great and foremost wonderworker, Venerable John, accept our prayer and do not turn away from us who seek refuge in Thy intercession: for Thou hast never turned away from those who came to Thee with their sorrows in the days of Thy earthly life; And Thou didst show signs of mercy even after Thy repose to the Orthodox people! Hear us also now, who are restrained by great sorrows, who have come upon us in these evil days, when the devil, through his pernicious snares, seeks to trample upon the Holy Church, and deprive us of eternal salvation and the blessings of temporal life! Ask the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sins, and especially of the sin of disobedience to our Mother Church! Grant us contrition of heart, so that with tenderness we unswervingly approach the holy Mystery of Repentance, so that communion of the Body and Blood of Christ may not be for our condemnation and destruction, but for health and salvation. Take away from us the spirit of brotherly hatred, grant us the spirit of love and peace for the fraternal unity of all your people! Unite us all in love for Christ and His Orthodox Church, so that we may be true children of God, observing His salvific will! Be our guide all our days, that in the grace of the Holy Spirit we may ever keep the faith in purity and do the will of the Lord until death! At the hour of our death, it appeared to us to present our souls to the throne of the Divine Judge and say to Him: "Behold me and my children," so that through thy intercession of eternal torment we may inherit the ineffable bliss of the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ together with thee and all the saints unto the ages of ages. Amen.



A Prayer Before Communion
by St Dimitry of Rostov

Open, O doors and bolts of my heart
that Christ the King of Glory may enter!
Enter, O my Light and enlighten my darkness;
enter, O my Life, and resurrect my deadness;
enter, O my Physician and heal my wounds;
enter, O Divine Fire, and burn up the thorns of my sins;
ignite my inward parts and my heart with the flame of Thy love;
enter, O my King, and destroy in me the kingdom of sin;
sit on the throne of my heart and [You] alone reign in me,
O Thou, my King and Lord.

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