March 12, 2017:
От проповед, произнесена
на празника на св. Григорий Палама
от митрополит Хризостом:
на празника на св. Григорий Палама
от митрополит Хризостом:
Митрополит Киприян на Оропос и Фили,
който пребивава в манастира на Свв. Киприян и Юстина във Фили, Гърция, на който
този манастир е μετόχιον, или метох, много обича да цитира нещо, което може да
се нарече "мантра"-та — ако мога да използвам така възприетия термин по
един изцяло християнски начин — на св. Григорий Палама: "Kύριε, φώτισόν
μου τὸ σκότος!" или "Господи, просвети моя мрак!" Това била
постоянната молба на светеца, и бих искал да я използвам, за да въведа няколко
елементарни думички за двете нива на духовния живот, които св. Григорий,
архиепископ Солунски от четиринадесети век и един от най-видните богослови на
Православната Църква, така перфектно и прозорливо осветли за нас: едно светило хвърлящо
светлина върху нашия мрак.










From a sermon preached
on the Second Sunday of Lent
by Metropilitan Chrysostomos:
on the Second Sunday of Lent
by Metropilitan Chrysostomos:
A Sermon on the Feast Day of
St. Gregory Palamas
Great Lent 2017
by the Most Reverend Chrysostomos
Former Metropolitan of Etna
Former Metropolitan of Etna
In the Name of the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Metropolitan Cyprian of Oropos and Phyle, who resides at the Monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina in Phyle, Greece, of which this monastery is a μετόχιον, or dependency, is very fond of quoting what one might call the “mantra,” if I may use that adopted term in a wholly Christian way, of St. Gregory Palamas: “Kύριε, φώτισόν μου τὸ σκότος!” or “Lord, enlighten my darkness!” This was the Saint’s constant imploration, and I would like to use it to introduce a few elementary words about two levels of spiritual life that St. Gregory, the fourteenth-century Archbishop of Thessaloniki and one of the most eminent theologians of the Orthodox Church, so perfectly and perspicaciously illuminated for us: a luminary shedding light on our darkness.
St. Gregory, born into a noble Byzantine family that produced six other monastic Saints, was a theologian and genius who brought praise on himself from the highest representatives of the imperial court. Yet, he chose to serve God as a simple monk, as an ascetic, and even, for a short time, as a cave-dweller. He struggled, like all of us, to please God, to submit himself to the Church, and to come to know God through sincere belief. He internalized, so as to conform his mind and human will to the whispers of God and to God’s Will within his heart, his earthly life of external obedience to, and love for, his family, his colleagues, his monastic brethren, his country, and his fellow man.
In so doing, he surely approached God, initially, as we all do: through the veil of the flesh, with anthropomorphic notions of Him. But he was not, it seems, burdened, as most of us are, by the doubts about God that the Evil One sows in us, prodding us, if not to unbelief, at least to the temptation of grasping God, Who created us, in the dimensions of our own created thoughts and delusions—those created by God creating the Creator in their own image. He had the profound virtue of fearing God, which leads to loving God. And since the love of God dispels doubt, He discovered the God of Uncreated Light, Who transcends, as the Fathers teach, all human images and conceptions.
St. Gregory Palamas, again like all of us, had to contend with those who seek to make the Church an extension of their egos, endowing the institution of the Church with human passions: arrogance, both among the faithful and the clergy, jealousy, resentments, pettiness, the bearing of grudges, the hatred of others in the name of Christ, triumphalism, and proclamations of personal “purity” of confession. (Indeed, what purity of Faith is there in anything that does not lead to love for our enemies, for sinners, and even for heretics, whom we should pine with our whole souls to cure of their spiritual illness?) I am also sure that he saw those who, in their delusion and sick with sin, defile the Church with their passions and perversions, claiming to be holy. And like many of the Martyrs and Saints, he underwent imprisonment, not just during his capture by infidels, but also at the hands of the Church and the Byzantine “Latinizers,” who despised him for his defense of Orthodoxy.
In confronting all of these things at the lower level of spiritual life, which are reflected in the institutional imperfections of the Spotless Church, he taught us a wonderful lesson. He did not cry out with loud cries of righteous indignation; declare his preference for death, in the face of an Orthodoxy assailed by the forces countering it; or place his blame on those who, in all truth, were indeed blameworthy by their actions for his persecution. Rather, turning the blame and responsibility for all that befell him on himself and condemning his own darkness (for the closer we come to God, the more we think ourselves sinful and, in this closeness to the source of Love, forgive and embrace those who do us ill), he inexorably cried out: “Kύριε, φώτισόν μου τὸ σκότος!” “Lord, enlighten my darkness!”
Hearing him, God poured forth the Uncreated Light of His Being on St. Gregory, who had surrendered his heart to God and his mind to spiritual contemplation. The Saint’s heart became a burning flame, a luminous torch of mystical insight, and a repository of wisdom. This transformed him, those who followed him, and the world around him. God, the wholly ineffable God, Being Itself, was revealed in the heart and purified mind and emotions of St. Gregory, such that he became one with the Divine Energies of God. He was united by Grace to Christ, became a “small Jesus Christ” within Jesus Christ, and came to know in an unknowable way the God Who is and is not, Whose “Isness” surpasses our categories of existence and non-existence, Who is Being itself, and Who reveals Himself to those whom He indwells with the deafening thunder of a spiritual silence unheeded by the world.
If, in this higher spiritual life, St. Gregory Palamas had a motto that is everywhere present in his writings and teachings, it would surely be the affirmation that he made in advice given to a certain nun: the affirmation that “Ζωὴ δέ ἐστι τῆς ψυχῆς, ἡ πρὸς τὸν Θεόν ἕνωσις, ὥσπερ καὶ τοῦ σώματος ἡ πρὸς ψυχήν ἕνωσις; that is, “The life of the soul is union with God, just as the life of the body is union with the soul.” When we unite our bodies to our souls, and then our souls to God, this union with Love in God bequeaths to us a New Life and an inner vision of things spiritual that changes—I should say, wholly transforms—our understanding of God and the Church.
We no longer believe in God, struggling with the impediments of the arrogant human intellect, the pull of the passions, or the heavy, depressing weight of doubt; rather, we live within God, communing with His Divine Energies, united by Grace with Christ, becoming true inheritors and sons and daughters of God. Taking our existence from within His Being, we pass from believing in God to finding the reality of our existence in Him, embracing Him through Jesus Christ, with Whom the Father is One, as our Father by adoption and the source of what we were truly meant to be: perfect servants and children of our unknowable Father, Whom we have seen in His Son, the Archetype of our own true nature.
The Church, in the loftier Life of Christ, is not just a gathering. It is not just a place where we worship and approach God. It not just a place of fellowship. It is not just a place where our imperfect human personalities join with others to strive towards a knowledge of God. It is not that institution so beset with human foibles and passions that even the Evil One finds a corner in it from which to throw his darts and arrows. It becomes, for those who are enlightened, the “house of God,” sacred space, a “spiritual wormhole” from one realm to another, and the place where we encounter God in awe. It is for this reason that we make the Church splendorous and rich, since we match the finest and purest of what we have on earth with the ineffable, unspeakable beauty that shines forth, in this sacred space, from God. What our human efforts at beauty fail to provide, God gives us by his Love and Grace.
In the higher life of the Church, we are lifted up, transformed, bound to one another, and protected and perfected by the Mysteries that are performed there. In the Church, we find the nucleus of human life: the source of all that we seek and need. We seal it off and remove it, if we fully understand it, from all that is “everyday” and common. We become inebriated on its New Wine, which does not pollute the mind, but cleanses the senses, purifies the emotions, and brings us noetic joy and exultant sentiments that burst forth in tears that flow over the soul like nectar over an already ripened and sweet fruit. In the end, when we realize the fullness of life that is contained within the Church, it is no longer a window into another world; it a door from the antechamber of our false life into true life. The institution of the Church fades as its essence shines forth with transforming beams of light.
St. Gregory Palamas, therefore, brings together our earthly life with eternal life. If we heed him, we rejoice where we are: monastics dancing with joy at what they taste and what they will one day, in the other life—which has already invaded this life—feast upon, the lay people joining them in this dance. St. Gregory brings life and afterlife together in Christ; he takes us from struggle to triumph, and he gives us a glimpse, even in this life, of what awaits us in the return to our True Home and our True Father.
Шио (Симеон) Мгвимский родился в Антиохии Сирской. Родители его были
христианами и воспитывали своего сына как единственного наследника. Юноша
получил хорошее образование, изучил Священное Писание. Любовь к Слову Божию так
глубоко внедрилась в сердце молодого Шио, что он постоянно держал его в уме
своем и даже всегда носил при себе Евангелие, послания Апостола Павла и
Псалтирь. И уже в ранние годы был одарен способностью толкования Слова Божия.
Узнав о святом подвижнике Иоанне Зедазнийском, Шио тайно покинул родительский дом и направился к святому. Преподобный Иоанн возвратил юношу родителям, предсказав, что и они станут иноками. Предсказание скоро исполнилось: Шио убедил их провести остаток их жизни в иночестве, а сам, употребив в пользу бедных и монастыря оставшееся после них имущество, пришел к преподобному Иоанну, сиявшему в то время в Антиохии и, получив от него пострижение в иночество, сделался его учеником.
Спустя 20 лет преподобный Шио, в числе 12 других избранных учеников святого Иоанна, отправился в Иверию (Грузию) для проповеди Слова Божия.
Послужив этому делу, распространения веры Христовой преподобный Шио пожелал жить отшельником. И по благословению Католикоса Евлалия и своего учителя преподобный Шио направил свой путь на запад от Мцхета в непроходимые дебри лесные. Здесь в пустыне, защищенной отвесными и совершенно крутыми стенами песчаной горы от взора людского, Шио поселился в тесной пещере, им самим высеченной в скале, едва достаточной, чтобы укрыться в ней. И за суровый аскетический подвиг Шио удостоился чудных видений. В скале открылся родник, источающий для отшельника воду, а с пищей прилетал к нему голубь. Этот-то голубь, по изволению Божию, определившему не оставлять под спудом благодатный светильник, открыл людям жилище Шио.
Некто — Евагрий, знатный царедворец, охотясь по обыкновению за рекой Курой, проследил за голубем, носящим пищу отшельнику, и нашел его, погруженного в молитву, с воздетыми к небу руками. Он был так поражен встречей с этим укрывшимся от мира человеком молитвенно предстоящим в пустыне пред лицем Единаго Бога, что, пленившись этим, внезапно сознал и в себе отречение от всего мирского и стал просить дивного отшельника взять его под свое руководство и подвизаться в пещере, всецело предавшись Богу.
С этих пор о Шио стало известно и другим людям в окружности, которые стали селиться близ него, и таким образом собралось до 25 добровольных пустынножителей. На избранном по откровению блаженному Шио месте выстроили они церковь во имя образца пустынножителей — Иоанна Крестителя. Молва о святом подвижнике распространялась, и место его уединенной жизни и подвига стало превращаться в обитель. Когда царь Парсман VI навестил бывшего любимого своего Евагрия в пустыне, то с благоговением отнесся к подвижнику Шио и подарил ему землю под монастырь, доставив значительные средства для построения храмов. Главным из них был храм в честь Успения Божией Матери; второй — в честь Рождества Иоанна Крестителя, где впоследствии и почивали останки преподобного Шио. Все храмы были освящены Католикосом Макарием. Таким образом, преподобный Шио устроил обитель, которая некогда включала в себя множество иноков и называлась, по имени основателя, Мгвимскою (в 30 верстах от Тифлиса). Здесь навестил его бывший учитель его Иоанн Зедазнийский и, погостив три дня, имел отраду удостовериться в высокой степени духовного совершенства новых иноков.
Но стремление к полному уединению преобладало в душе Шио. Он оставил основанную им обитель, простился с братией назидательнейшим словом, оставил для них 160 письменных поручений и, прервав всякое сообщение с миром, обрек себя на затворническую жизнь в темной, глубокой пещере. Пища святому спускалась туда по веревке. Кто может постичь и исчислять несказанные подвиги этого ангела в человеческом теле! Предузнав по откровению час кончины и приобщившись Святых Тайн, преподобный Шио 9 мая кончил свое земное житие. Тело великого затворника, при напутственном пении собравшихся иноков, было погребено в основанной им обители. Святые мощи его и доныне служат ограждением обители, которая одна из немногих уцелела посреди опустошений Грузии.
Venerable Shio of Mgvim
Saint Shio (Simeon) of Mgvim was born in Antioch of Syria. His parents were Christians and raised their son as their only heir. The young man received a good education and studied the Holy Scriptures. Love for the Word of God was so deeply rooted in the heart of young Shio that he constantly kept it in his mind and even always carried the Gospel, the Epistles of Apostle Paul and the Psalter with him. And already in his early years he was gifted with the ability to interpret the Word of God.
Having learned of the holy ascetic John of Zedazni, Shio secretly left his parents' home and went to the saint. Saint John returned the youth to his parents, predicting that they too would become monks. The prediction soon came true: Shio convinced them to spend the rest of their lives in monasticism, and he himself, having used the property (left behind them) for the benefit of the poor and the monastery, came to Saint John, who was shining at that time in Antioch, and, having received monastic tonsure from him, became his disciple.
20 years later, the Monk Shio, along with 12 other chosen disciples of St. John, went to Iveria (Georgia) to preach the Word of God.
Having served this cause - the spread of the Christian faith, the Venerable Shio wished to live as a hermit. And with the blessing of Catholicos Eulalia and his teacher, the Venerable Shio directed his path to the west of Mtskheta into the impassable forest wilderness. Here in the desert, protected from human sight by the sheer and completely steep walls of a sandy mountain, Shio settled in a cramped cave, which he himself had carved out in the rock, barely large enough to hide in it. And for his severe ascetic feat, Shio was bestowed with miraculous visions. A spring opened in the rock, pouring out water for the hermit, and a dove flew to him with food. This dove, by the will of God, Who determined not to leave the blessed lamp under a bushel, revealed to people the dwelling of Shio.
Someone - Evagrius, a noble courtier, hunting as usual across the Kura River, followed a dove carrying food to a hermit, and found him immersed in prayer, with his hands raised to the sky. He was so amazed by the meeting with this man who had taken refuge from the world, standing in prayer in the desert before the face of the One God, that, captivated by this, he suddenly realized in himself a renunciation of everything worldly and began to ask the wondrous hermit to take him under his leadership and labor in a cave, completely surrendering to God.
From then on, Shio became known to other people in the area, who began to settle near it, and thus up to 25 voluntary desert dwellers gathered. At the place chosen by revelation to Blessed Shio, they built a church in the name of the example of the desert dwellers - John the Baptist. The rumor about the holy ascetic spread, and the place of his solitary life and exploits began to turn into a monastery. When King Parsman VI visited his former beloved Evagrius in the desert, he treated the ascetic Shio with reverence and gave him land for a monastery, providing him with significant funds for the construction of temples. The main one was the temple in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God; the second - in honor of the Nativity of John the Baptist, where the remains of the Monk Shio subsequently rested. All churches were consecrated by Catholicos Macarius. Thus, the Monk Shio built a monastery, which once included many monks and was called, after the name of the founder, Mgvimskaya (30 versts from Tiflis). Here his former teacher John of Zedazni visited him and, after staying for three days, he had the joy of verifying the high degree of spiritual perfection of the new monks.
But the desire for complete solitude prevailed in Shio’s soul. He left the monastery he founded, said goodbye to the brethren with the most edifying words, left 160 written instructions for them and, interrupting all communication with the world, doomed himself to a reclusive life in a dark, deep cave. The saint's food was lowered there along a rope. Who can comprehend and count the unspeakable feats of this angel in a human body! Having foreseen by revelation the hour of his death and having received the Holy Mysteries, the Monk Shio ended his earthly life on May 9. The body of the great recluse, with the parting singing of the assembled monks, was buried in the monastery he founded. His holy relics still serve as a fence for the monastery, which is one of the few that survived amid the devastation of Georgia.
Авксентий, по происхождению сириец, служил при дворе императора Феодосия
Младшего (418 - 450). Он был известен как добродетельный, ученый и мудрый
человек, и имел дружбу со многими благочестивыми мужами своего времени.
Тяготясь мирской суетой, святой Авксентий принял сан пресвитера, а потом и иноческий постриг. После этого, удалившись в Вифинию, он нашел уединенное место на горе Оксия, недалеко от Халкидона, и стал там вести жизнь отшельническую. (Гора эта впоследствии названа была Авксентьевой.) Место подвигов святого было обнаружено пастухами, искавшими заблудившихся овец. Молва о нем разнеслась, и к нему стали приходить люди за исцелением. Именем Божиим святой Авксентий исцелял множество больных и недужных. "
В 451 году святой Авксентий был призван на IV Вселенский Собор в Халкидоне, где и прославился как обличитель Евтихиевой и Несториевой ересей. Великий знаток Священного Писания, святой Авксентий легко посрамлял вступавших с ним в спор противников. По окончании Собора святой Авксентий снова вернулся в свою уединенную келлию на горе. Духовным взором он видел на большом расстоянии кончину святого Симеона Столпника (459). Преподобный Авксентий скончался около 470 года, оставив после себя учеников и устроив многие монастыри в Вифинской области.
преподобного Авксентия
глас 1
глас 1
житель, и в телеси Ангел,/ и чудотворец явился еси, Богоносе отче наш
Авксентие,/ постом, бдением, молитвою Небесная дарования приим,/ исцелявши
недужныя и души верою притекающих ти./ Слава Давшему тебе крепость,/ слава
Венчавшему тя,/ слава Действующему тобою всем исцеления.
преподобного Авксентия
глас 2
Насладився, богомудре, воздержания/ и желания плоти твоея обуздав,/ явился еси, верою сияя,/ якоже сад посреди рая, процвел еси,// Авксентие отче священне.
глас 2
Насладився, богомудре, воздержания/ и желания плоти твоея обуздав,/ явился еси, верою сияя,/ якоже сад посреди рая, процвел еси,// Авксентие отче священне.
Venerable Auxentius
Saint Auxentius, a Syrian by origin, served at the court of Emperor Theodosius the Younger (418 - 450). He was known as a virtuous, learned and wise man, and was friends with many pious men of his time.
Weighed down by worldly vanity, Saint Auxentius received the rank of presbyter, and then monastic tonsure. After this, retiring to Bithynia, he found a secluded place on Mount Oxia, not far from Chalcedon, and began to lead a hermit’s life there. (This mountain was later named Avksentieva.) The place of the saint’s exploits was discovered by shepherds looking for lost sheep. Word spread about him, and people began to come to him for healing. In the name of God, Saint Auxentius healed many sick and sick people. "
In 451, Saint Auxentius was summoned to the Fourth Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon, where he became famous as a denouncer of the Eutychian and Nestorian heresies. A great expert in Holy Scripture, Saint Auxentius easily put to shame his opponents who entered into debate with him. After the Council, Saint Auxentius returned to his solitary cell on the mountain. With his spiritual gaze, he saw from a great distance the death of Saint Simeon the Stylite (459). Saint Auxentius died around 470, leaving behind disciples and establishing many monasteries in the Bithynia region.
Troparion of St. Auxentius, Tone 1
A desert dweller, and an Angel in body, / and a miracle worker you appeared, our God-bearing Father Auxentius, / having received heavenly gifts through fasting, vigil, and prayer, / healing the sick and the souls of those who have come to you with faith. / Glory to Him who gave you strength, / glory to Him who crowned you, / glory to Him who works healing for all through you.
Kontakion of the Venerable Auxentius, Tone 2
Having enjoyed, O God-wise one, abstinence/ and having curbed the desires of your flesh,/ you appeared, shining in faith,/ like a garden in the midst of paradise, you blossomed,// Auxentius, holy father.