Thursday, May 2, 2019

To [a Mohammedan] Seduce the World...

Един есть истинный Бог и Господь наш Иисус Христос. Магомет же, в которого вы верите, был смертным человеком и необразованным, и в мире сем не сделал ничего хорошего, ни одного чуда не сотворил, в противоположность другим пророкам Божьим, каких имеем мы, христиане. Только вы почитаете его за пророка, а на самом деле он — богоборец и своими вымыслами и фантазиями привлек к себе простой и невежественный народ, так что сбылось предреченное в нем, что он «придет прельщать мир».

ново Мученик (Сеник) Иоанн Кальфа

One is the true God and our Lord Jesus Christ. However, Mohammed, in whom you believe, was a mortal and uneducated man, and he did no good in this world, he worked no single miracle, contrary to the other prophets of God that we, Christians, have. Only you esteem him for a prophet, while in actual fact he was a theomachist – and with his fabrications and fantasies he attracted to himself simple and ignorant people, so that what had been foreordained in him came true, namely that he "will come to seduce the world." 

New Martyr John Kalphas (the Apprentice, +1575)

The Holy New Martyr John Kalphas (the Apprentice) lived in a suburb of Constantinople, called Galata. He was a cabinetmaker by profession, and he had acquired great skill in his craft, so that important officials made use of his services. He was entrusted with the inner adornment of the sultan's palace.

St John Kalphas was distinguished for his Christian charity. He provided for orphans and those locked up in prison, and many turned to him for help. One time a certain dignitary asked St John to take on his nephew as an apprentice. He agreed, and the youth received an honorable position at court upon the completion of his apprenticeship.

Once, encountering his former teacher and benefactor, the apprentice asked St John what it says in the Christian books about their "prophet" Mohammad. St John did not want to answer his question, but because of the persistent demands of the youth, he declared the following:

"As you have asked me to say, I will tell you the truth. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the one and only true God. Mohammad, in whom you believe, was a mortal and uneducated man who did nothing good upon this earth, and did not perform a single miracle, unlike the other prophets of God that we, the Christians have. It is only you people who revere him as a prophet. In fact, he was a theomachist and with his fantasies and fanaticism attracted a simple and ignorant people, so that what was prophesied about him was fulfilled: that he 'would come to seduce the world."

The youth, devoted to Islam, reported to his fellow Muslims that the cabinetmaker had TV insulted Mohammad.

St John was brought to trial, where they demanded that he renounce Christ, but he bravely confessed his faith in Christ, saying: "I will not renounce my Sweetest Jesus; I believe in Him and worship Him, and confess Him to be true God and perfect Man."

After torture, they sent the holy martyr off to penal servitude with a fleet at the Black Sea, where he spent six months. Then, for the next three months they beat him in the prison. Seeing that they could not coerce him into submitting to their will, they beheaded him in the crowded city square in Ergat-Bazara, near the Bedestan (a covered bazaar) on February 26, 1575.

The suffering of the holy Martyr John Kalphas were recorded by Father Andrew, the Chief Steward (Megas Oikonomos) of the Patriarch of Constantinople, who communed him with the Holy Mysteries in prison.

Posted by John 26 Feb. 2010 at 1:04:00 PM

New Martyr John Calphas ("the Apprentice")

26 February/11 March

St. John Kalphes, was from Galata, and was an apprentice to a cabinetmaker in the royal palace. Other members of the nobility would invite him to work on the construction of their mansions. He was humble and kind, would arrange for orphans to be married, would facilitate the liberation of the imprisoned, and would perform other good works. A certain Aga entrusted his nephew to him for instruction. While visiting the royal palace, the child saw some children, known as "its oglanya," who were merry and who were being accorded great respect. Wanting to become one of them, he went to his uncle and asked to be turned over to the court. The Aga in turn asked John, with whose assistance the child was accepted into the court. A little while later, the boy was given a position. He came to greatly love his teacher John, for it was through his efforts that his wish had been granted. Some time later, the child said to John:

"As you are a learned man, I want to ask you: Tell me what is written in your books about our prophet, for whose sake god created the world and everything therein?"

John answered:

"I request that you not ask me about that. Let's talk about anything else, but not about the faith.

However, the boy continued: "I swear to you by the bread that I eat with the king, and by the powerful love that binds us, that I will cause you no harm; do not be afraid to answer me."

Encouraged by this oath, and prompted by love, John answered:

"As you have asked me to say, I will tell you the truth. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the one and only true God. Mohammed, in whom you believe, was a mortal and uneducated man who did nothing good upon this earth, and did not perform a single miracle, unlike the other prophets of God that we, the Christians have. It is only you people who revere him as a prophet. In fact, he was a theomachist and with his fantasies and fanaticism attracted a simple and ignorant people, so that what was prophesied about him was fulfilled: that he "would come to seduce the world."

Hearing that, the child's friendship turned into enmity. He summoned other followers of the Aga, who beat John mercilessly, took him to the judge, and accused him of blaspheming against their faith. The enraged judge ordered that he be beaten. Thereafter, John was cast into prison and pressured to renounce Christ and to adopt their faith. Courageously enduring all, Blessed John said to them:

"I will not renounce my Sweetest Jesus; I believe in Him and worship Him, and confess Him to be true God and perfect Man."

Seeing his intransigence, the Aga's men sentenced him to six months of penal servitude with the fleet on the Black Sea. Upon his return, he was once again incarcerated, and was subjected to three months of torture. When they realized that they would not be able to bend the saint to their will and force him to renounce Christ, they told the vizier about him. The vizier ordered the eparch to take the martyr to the place of execution in the city square of Ergat-Bazara and there to behead him. Thus did St. John receive the martyr's crown, and thus does he now rejoice in the ranks of the martyrs. Such was the martyrdom of blessed John, as described by father Andrei, a monk of the great church, then standing in Vlanka, of the Holy God-bearing Fathers Theodore and Theophan, who communed St. John in the prison, and by whose prayers may also be made worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom.



A Prayer Before Communion
by St Dimitry of Rostov

Open, O doors and bolts of my heart
that Christ the King of Glory may enter!
Enter, O my Light and enlighten my darkness;
enter, O my Life, and resurrect my deadness;
enter, O my Physician and heal my wounds;
enter, O Divine Fire, and burn up the thorns of my sins;
ignite my inward parts and my heart with the flame of Thy love;
enter, O my King, and destroy in me the kingdom of sin;
sit on the throne of my heart and [You] alone reign in me,
O Thou, my King and Lord.

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