Friday, October 9, 2015

Живата връзка със светите отци

so much and simple

Превод от английски

Живата връзка със светите отци:
Архиепископ Андрей (Рымаренко)

Без постоянна, съзнателна духовна борба православният живот може да се превърне в "оранжерия" с изкуствена атмосфера, където външните атрибути на Православието услаждат и разслабват душата, без изобщо да й въздействат, вместо да я мобилизират по пътя към спасение. Колко често даже май-добрите общини, след като са постигнали благосъстояние и известност, губят сърдечния жар и единодушие от предишните трудни години! За истински богоугодния християнски живот няма и не може да има никаква "формула на успеха"; всяка външна особеност рискува да се обърне във фалш, ако душата не върви по верния път, не трепери [благоговейно] пред Господа, не държи на първо място Неговите свети заповеди и всичко, което е Божие, във всяко време.

  Архиепископ Андрей (Рымаренко)

Friday, July 24, 2015

Church of the Unchurchly

so much and simple

Translated from Russian 

Church of The Unchurchly

April 1, 2015
Domuschy Stefan, priest
The article by Ph.D., candidate of theology priest Stephen Domuschy is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of religious identity and the specifics of its development in the history of Christianity. It focuses on the issue of the mismatch of objective and subjective criteria of belonging to a religious community. Further, the question is discussed about the causes and the possible consequences of the actual legalization of the impoverished religious identity of today.

At present, quite a lot of research is devoted to the issues of identity – both religious and moral. Typically, identity is understood as a "man's awareness of one's belonging to some group, allowing one to determine one's place in the socio-cultural space" [1]. The word group itself, with its clarity, suggests boundaries or criteria of belonging, beyond which it is impossible to identify oneself as [being] a part of it.

Moreover, using the word "awareness" we need to understood that the measure of awareness may be different. A man can be aware of oneself as belonging to a group, without [taking] a thought about what criteria exactly that belonging matches. In the minds of such a man identity boundaries are there implicitly, these have not been given meaning.

Identity can well be set by a single sign, and it can also be created by a set of signs. In the latter case the signs themselves are different, but for the identity implementation they all prove necessary.

It is important to bear in mind that identity may be subjective and objective. In the former case, a man independently assesses the extent of one's eligibility vis-à-vis that determining the boundaries of the group. At that, one may well mistakenly accept as being the major criteria ones that for the group itself may be necessary, although insufficient, [ones] that may be secondary, an may well even be imaginary, thought-up.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

On Angels –
from archimandrite Sava's blog

so much and simple

Translation from Bulgarian

By Rev. Theodore Studite – 26:08 06:37 –
May we make friends of our Angles through passionless living, so that when leaving this world we may also be elevated by them friend-like to the Master. (Rev. Theodore Studite) 

By Rev. Nikita Stifat 22:07 06:36 – 
If a man had no Angel or God, to protect him, one could not possibly avoid the devilish slander and deadly networks. (Rev. Nikita Stifat)

To Angelic nature it is inherent to not sin, as Angels are strong by the fortress and vested in the divine garb of the Holy Spirit, without Whom it is impossible to not sin. (Rev. Simeon the New Theologian)

By St. John the Carpathian – 20.07 6:14 –
Once the devil has such power that even against man's will they might persuade one and draw one to themselves because of the falling away from the true rank of their nature, then how much stronger is the Angel, who has at a certain [the appropriate] time adopted God's command to make better all the disposition of man? (Rev. John the Carpathian)

For the Angels – 19:07 07:03 –
Angels are present everywhere, especially in the house of God where they stand before the King, everything is filled with these bodiless powers. (St. John Chrysostom)

By St. John Chrysostom – 18.07 6:38 –
By "Angels" understand also the God-bearing men who have knowledge about God, who keep us and guide us in all paths, i.e. in life, lest we would stumble on the stone temptation. (St. John Chrysostom)

Angels do not only protect, but they also guide the faithful to not stumble. (St. John Chrysostom)

On Heavenly Inhabitants – 16:07 06:35 –
There are Angels and Archangels, Thrones, Dominions, Powers, Authorities; but not only these ranks exist in Heaven, there are endless multitudes and countless tribes, which no words can portray. (St. John Chrysostom)

By St.Basil the Great – 15.07 06:35 –
Angels come and visit us not at their will and [by their] power. Because the main purpose of their lives is, according to their nature, to steer their gaze to God's beauty and to incessantly glorify God. Communion with us men, and the care for us is for them a somewhat work on-the-side. (St. Basil the Great)

For more in ENGLISH
and for EVEN MORE



A Prayer Before Communion
by St Dimitry of Rostov

Open, O doors and bolts of my heart
that Christ the King of Glory may enter!
Enter, O my Light and enlighten my darkness;
enter, O my Life, and resurrect my deadness;
enter, O my Physician and heal my wounds;
enter, O Divine Fire, and burn up the thorns of my sins;
ignite my inward parts and my heart with the flame of Thy love;
enter, O my King, and destroy in me the kingdom of sin;
sit on the throne of my heart and [You] alone reign in me,
O Thou, my King and Lord.

To DOWNLOAD – a PHP /pdf/ Book on 10 Miracle-Working Icons of Theotokos

А има ли друг баир оттатък смъртта?
- Стойко Попович (в писмо до сина си [Георги] Сава Раковски)

Higgs Boson / Holy Sepulchre / the Eye / Aurora Borealis / Rock (Mauritania)