Thursday, July 8, 2010

Св. Иоан Предтеча
St. John Forerunner
(вгледайте се в тази икона...)
(take a deeper look at this icon...)

Тази икона е от пощенска картичка - копие на икона, пазена (недостъпна за публика) в Рилския манастир, която до ден-днешен не съм се удостоил да зърна...

Дали разбираме дадено нещо - или не - предопределението се извършва... И Св. Иоан стана не само Предтеча - а и Кръстител Господен!

А Ню Йорк? А Лондон?

А какво ли още не виждаме...

Или не искаме да знаем, или да чуем...

(Връзките под иконата водят до беседата на Св. Серафим (Роуз) за последните времена - личби)

... И се молим с любов...

А във филма ще се подивите на:

Част 1 Честната глава на Великия Пророк и Предтеча Христов Св. Иоан Кръстител

Част 2 Св. Първоапостол Павел – юдеинът Савел – след като Господ му се явил в пустинята – приел Християнство в Дамаск (където Каин убил брат си Авел), а през 67 г. главата му била отсечена в Рим, където и до днес почиват светите му мощи

Св. Аверий
Свт. Иоан Златоуст (нетленната му десница и честната глава е в манастира Ватопед в Св. Гора)
Преп. Иоан Дамаскин („Точно изложение на Православната Вяра)
Първоапостолите Петър и Павел – основатели на Антиохийската църква

Част 3 Ев. Лука – Саиднайската икона на Божията Майка ('Шагура' – знаменитата, всеизвестната) е една от 4-те икони, нарисувани по предание на Св. Ап. Ев. Лука – чудотворния образ на Пресв. Богородица на манастирското стълбище – в деня на Св. Христофор (манастир на негово име)

Част 4 Честният пояс на Божията Майка – гр. Хомс, Сирия,църквата Ам Азеннар

Първомъченик Архидякон Стефан

Част 5 Св. първомъченица равноапостолна Фекла (манастир на нейно име има в Сирия, в гр. Маалюля ('вход') – ок. 7 000 жители, които единствени говорят на езика (наречието) на Христа – аарамейски; най-близка ученичка на първоапостол Павел) разтопената скала – за запазване на целомъдрието; деца се молят с „Отче наш“ на аарамейски

Свещеномъченик Игнатий Богоносец

Част 6 Св. Великомъченик и Победоносец Георги (убил змея през 4 в. именно на ливанска земя – гр. Жуми, отпечатък на копито на небесния му кон с диаметър 1,5 м.) – покровител на Грузия и на гр. Москва

Част 7 Св. Великомъченица Варвара – родена в гр. Балбек, Ливан; благоухаещите й мощи и днес намират покой във Владимирския събор, Киев (от 13 в.)

Преп Симеон Стълпник
Преп Давид Горяджийски – пренесъл от Йерусалим благодатния камък
Преп. ... Чудотворец – покровител на грузинските царе
Преп Антоний Мартковский Чудотворец – пренесъл в Грузия неръкотворния образ на Иисус Христос
Преп. Ефрем Сирин
Преп. Андрей Критски
Свещеномъченик Киприан и мъченица Иустина
Свт. Евстахий Антиохийски
Свт. Нина Равноапостолна
Блаж. митр. Илия (Карам) – на когото се явила Божията Майка и предала слова за спасението на Русия и благодарение изпълнението на тези думи и поръчения Русия победила във Втората Световна Война

но ЛОГОС е нещо много по-просто и по-велико
от ЛОГИКАТА, тъй като човешката логика е твърде слаба...

. . .

This icon is from a postcard - copy of the icon kept (away from the public) at the Rila Monastery (in Bulgaria), which to date I have not had the honor of glancing...

Whether we understand a given thing - or we don't - predestination is taking place... And St. John became not only Forerunner - but also Baptist of our Lord!

And New York? And London?

And what else yet we miss seeing...

Or we miss knowing, or hearing...

(Links under the icon refer to the talk of St. Seraphim (Rose) on last times - signs)

And we keep praing in love...

And in the film you will amaze at:

Part 1 Honest Head of the Great Prophet and Christ’s Forerunner St. John the Baptist

Part 2 First Apostle St. Paul – the Jew Saul – after the Lord appeared to him in the desert – he accepted Christianity in Damascus (where Cain killed his brother Abel) and in 67 his head was cut off in Rome, where to this day his holy relics rest

St. Averius
St. John Chrysostom (his imperishable hand and his honest head is at the Vatoped monastery on Mount Athos)
Rev. John Damascene ("True statement of the Orthodox Faith")
First Apostles Peter and Paul – founders of the Antioch Church

Part 3 Ev. Luke - Saidnay icon of the Mother of God ('Shagura' - famous, known to all) is one of the 4 icons painted on the bequest by St. Ap. Ev. Luke – the miracle-working image of the Most holy Theotokos on the convent's staircase – on the day of St. Christopher (a monastery in his name)

Part 4 The honorable belt of the Mother of God - town of Homs, Syria, Am Azennar church

First martyr archdeacon Stefan

Part 5 First martyr equal-to-the-apostles St. Thekla (a monastery in Syria, in the town of Maalyulya ('entry')- ca. 7 000 inhabitants who are the only people on earth who speak Christ’s language (dialect) - Aaramian; the closest disciple of first Ap. Paul), the molten rock - to preserve chastity; children pray with "Our Father" in Aaramian

Priest martyr Ignatius Theophorus

Part 6 St. Great Martyr George the Victorious (he killed the dragon in the 4-th century precisely in Lebanon - town of Zhumi, an imprint of his heavenly horse’s hoof with a diameter of 1.5 meters) - the patron saint of both Georgia and of Moscow

Part 7 St. Great Martyr Barbara - born in the town Balbek, Lebanon; her sweet smelling relics are resting today in the Vladimir Cathedral, Kiev (since 13-th c.)

Rev. Simeon (tower) Hermit
Rev. David Goryadzhiyski - moved from Jerusalem stone blissful
Rev. ... Miracle Worker - the patron saint of the Georgian kings
Prep. Mitr. Anthony Wonder Worker – he moved to Georgia the image not made by hands of Jesus Christ
Rev. Ephraim of Syria
Rev. Andrey of Crete
Priest martyr Cyprian and martyr Iustina
St. Evstahiy of Antioch
St. Nina equal-to-the-apostles
Blessed. mitr. Elijah (Karam) - to whom the Mother of God appeared and delivered words for the salvation of Russia and through the implementation of those words and instructions Russia was victorious in WWII

but LOGOS is much simpler and much greater
than LOGIC as human logic is too poor...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Матушка Серафима

so much and simple

Една усмивка
и светът е светъл!
Една усмивка -
тегоби бледнеят!

Една усмивка -
в райско кътче -
и днес се вижда
като малко кръстче...

От 6 години
тя ни топли,
спасява ни
от страхове и вопли;

добрите трудове
благослови ни -
реколта да събираме
с туй сладко име!

"Че как ще падна!" -
я описва кратко!
И пак говори
кратко, сладко ...
19 май 2010 г.                                                  May 19, 2010
22:30 ч. (ст.ст.)                                                22:30 hr (O.S.)

Matushka Seraphima
Just one smile
and the world is bright!
Just one smile –
toils grow pale!

Just one smile –
in a paradise –
it is seen to date
as a little cross...

For 6 years now
she(it) has warmed us over,
she(it) has saved us
from fears and wails;

she(it) has been blessing
our good works –
harvest to collect
with this sweet name!

"How come I would fall?"
describes her briefly!
And she speaks to us
brief and sweet...


An address by archimandrite Sergiy (Yazadjiev) after the holy liturgy on Sunday of All Saints (2004) to the nuns of the «Shroud of Most Holy Theotokos» convent, Knyazhevo, Sofia.
«Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children.».
(Luke. 23:28)

       With these cherished words our Lord and God Jesus Christ turned to the women who followed Him while weeping and crying for Him when He was wearing His heavy cross to Golgotha.
       Now that lying before our eyes is the coffin of our dear deceased Matushka Hegumenia Seraphima, our hearts deluge of grief. But we clearly realize that in fact we are not crying for her but we cry for ourselves – we cry, because Matushka left us unexpectedly and we are orphaned. Who will now console our grief-stricken souls? Who will heal our ulcers of the soul with her sweet speech? Who will guide us and instruct us with her wise advices? – Indeed, we seem to have remained inconsolable orphans.
       But look – even in her death our Matushka Hegumenia has begged out for us the weak a consolation from the Lord. For the Lord called her soul on the eve of the All Saints Sunday – on the day when the innumerable multitude of God’s pleasers – Martyrs, Apostles, Saints, Reverend, Silverless – triumph in heavens. It is in this general celebration of All Saints exactly that the triumphant Church in heaven was joined by a soul of the earthly, militant Church – a soul, which has worthily implemented and has fully defended the bequests of her elder – Saint Seraphim. And he, her abba in one with the entire host of the saints, has already welcomed her in the Heavenly abodes.
       I want to remind you something, which I guess no one here remembers, but I was a contemporary of that event. Matushka Hegumenia Seraphima’s father – hieropriest Andrew Lieven of blessed memory, Saint Seraphim’s most faithful assistant in Church matters from 1926 till the end of his life – secretary of his diocesan council, was also taken out of the earthly life on the All Saints’ Sunday. This happened 55 years ago, on 6/19 June 1949. His demise was also surprising to many – because only a week before, on the Holy Trinity Day, at the Russian church (in Sofia) Father Andrew had taken part in the Holy Liturgy, under Saint Seraphim, in which I was fortunate to participate, too. Days after that Father Andrew was hospitalized and on the All Saints’ Sunday he passed away. Saint Seraphim of blessed memory outlived him by only eight months and seven days.
       I'll dare also add the testimony of one righteous soul that years ago, in his Dying hours was honored to be visited and consoled [from] on high: appearing in light to it were the then late Saint Seraphim, accompanied by Father Andrew as a co-worker and participant in His heavenly glorification. Thus revealed to us was a consoling secret – spiritually akin here souls prove also akin in the afterlife and in eternity beyond the grave. There, in the heavenly abodes, interacting with Saint Seraphim are also the souls of Fr. Archimandrite Pantheleymon, Fr. Archimandrite Seraphim, 'Mat' Seraphima and other deceased sisters of ours who we mention every day in Holy Liturgy. We deeply believe that now they – all together – have welcomed the soul of Matushka Hegumenia Seraphima in the celestial spheres of the Lord, Whom she served so sacrificially and Whom she loved so selflessly.
       But the hope that we can again be worthy to be together with Matushka further obliges us and urges us and gives us wings to keep the precious Saint Seraphim’s covenants; to execute also the spiritual advices that our dear Matushka has – for over half a century – taught us, because our allegiance to everything they passed on to us – this is the way on which in these difficult times we can preserve our loyalty to the Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

MAYBE -- a poem
Archimandrite Seraphim (Alexiev)

so much and simple

To walk in sin
tormented and repentant,
to shudder guilty, shy,
and seized by infinite dismay,
and put up a stern face,
be righteous and brightful,
with vice well-hidden
and virtues but for show ...
To waver in uncertainty,
live in a counterfeited fake,
turning onto God,
obedient to devil;
to pledge yourself to virtues,
and be a slave to evil,
to love life dearly,
and be in grave, but living,
and your struggle to remain
forever lost to others -
it is my fate, this...
And yours, maybe!

Archimandrite Seraphim (Alexiev)

03/24/1996 - Vladimir Djambov, translator



A Prayer Before Communion
by St Dimitry of Rostov

Open, O doors and bolts of my heart
that Christ the King of Glory may enter!
Enter, O my Light and enlighten my darkness;
enter, O my Life, and resurrect my deadness;
enter, O my Physician and heal my wounds;
enter, O Divine Fire, and burn up the thorns of my sins;
ignite my inward parts and my heart with the flame of Thy love;
enter, O my King, and destroy in me the kingdom of sin;
sit on the throne of my heart and [You] alone reign in me,
O Thou, my King and Lord.

To DOWNLOAD – a PHP /pdf/ Book on 10 Miracle-Working Icons of Theotokos

А има ли друг баир оттатък смъртта?
- Стойко Попович (в писмо до сина си [Георги] Сава Раковски)

Higgs Boson / Holy Sepulchre / the Eye / Aurora Borealis / Rock (Mauritania)