Wednesday, December 13, 2023

142nd birth anniversary - St. Seraphim (Sobolev), Sofia wonder-worker 'Песен за Владикин ден'

Песен за
43':22'' - 44':54'' below
(т.е. 01/14 декември - рожденият ден на дядо Владика, който е и написал песента!)

Радост моя, радост моя, радост моя -
Ах, Спасител мой! Ах, Спасител мой!
Радост моя, радост моя, радост моя -
Ах, Спасител мой! Ах, Спасител мой!

... 5 думи - 5 хляба ...

On December 14-th (December 1-st O.S.) 2011, at the “Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos” cathedral Church in Sofia solemnly celebrated was the 130-th birth anniversary of Svt. Seraphim, Archbishop of Boguchar, Sofia wonderworker.

43':22'' - 44':54'' below

/a chant written by Svetitel Seraphim, Sofia wonderworker, whose birthday – 01/14 December has been referred to [as a supplication] as ‘Vladykin Day’ (or Day of the Vladyka)/

A Chant for VLADYKIN day
(i.e. December 01/14 - the birthday of 'Dyado Vladyka', who also wrote this chant!)

      Joy of mine, Joy of mine, Joy of mine!
      Oh, my Saviour! Oh, my Saviour!
      Joy of mine, Joy of mine, Joy of mine!
      Oh, my Saviour! Oh, my Saviour!

... 5* words - 5 loaves (of bread) ... [* – 5 in Cyrillic]

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Akathist to St. Spyridon of Trimythous


Translated from Ch.-Sl.

Akathist to St. Spyridon of Trimythous


Kontakion 1

Glorified by the Lord amidst the saints and miracle workers, Oh Spyridon! Now we celebrate your all-honorable memory, as one who is able to help us much in Christ, who has glorified you, we cry out to you tenderly: deliver us from all troubles and evils, and with thanksgiving we call to you: Rejoice, Oh Spyridon, most wonderful miracle worker!


Ikos 1

Adorned from youth with all the virtues, and emulating your Angel with your life, you, Saint Spyridon, truly appeared to be a friend of Christ; and we, seeing you, the heavenly man and earthly angel, with reverence and tenderness we cry out to you: Rejoice, you, contemplating the mysteries of the Most Holy Trinity; Rejoice, having been enriched by the Spirit with the most radiant illumination. Rejoice, you lamp of multi-light; Rejoice, your mind having been enlightened by dispassion. Rejoice, you lover of true simplicity and silence from childhood; Rejoice, you ornament of chastity. Rejoice, you inexhaustible stream of love; Rejoice, for you imitated Abraham's love of strangers. Rejoice, for you lovingly opened the entrances of your house to everyone; Rejoice, you champion of beggars. Rejoice, as one whom people revere; Rejoice as you are an abode of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, Spyridon, you most wonderful miracle worker!


Kontakion 2

Having seen the island of Cyprus and all Christian countries your incorruptible relics, O Saint, from which abundant healing flows, have rejoiced; and we, honoring you as a most abundant source of grace, sent down to us from On-High, cry out to the Supreme Giver of Heavenly and earthly blessings: Alleluia.


Ikos 2

Having Divine Reason, and being a shepherd of speechless sheep, by the will of the Chief Shepherd Christ you have been chosen to be the shepherd of the verbal sheep. The faithful, seeing you to be a good shepherd, vigilantly caring for his flock, chanted glory: Rejoice, you bishop of God Most High, who at your ordination [hyrotonia] abundantly received Divine grace; Rejoice, you lamp of multi-bright lights, burn and illumine. Rejoice, you faithful worker in Christ’s Vertograd [Vineyard of fruits]; Rejoice, you shepherd, educating your flock in the pasture of faith and piety; Rejoice, enlightening the world with the radiance of your virtues; Rejoice, Bringing the Divine Sacrifice to the Throne of Christ. Rejoice, you hierarch, decorated with the understanding of Orthodoxy; Rejoice, you full of the apostolic teachings, watering the faithful flow with the streams of salvific teaching. Rejoice, for you have illuminated the wise, too; Rejoice, for you have renewed the simple hearts, too. Rejoice, you glory of the Orthodox and unshakable affirmation of the Church; Rejoice, you adornment of the Fathers, glory and praise of the reverent priests. Rejoice, Spyridon, you most wonderful miracle worker.


Kontakion 3

By the power of the God Most High, which has lit you up, Saint Spyridon, you appeared to be wise of God and, squeezing the clay in your hand, the Triune Persons you have easily made clear to everyone: even so, the falsely wise philosophers, gathered at the Council, horrified, the faithful incomprehensibly glorified God, Who made you wise unto salvation, crying out to Him: Alleluia.


Ikos 3

All the fathers of the Council - having you in their thoughts as simple, unskilled in teaching by the book, they praying you, Father Spyridon, not to bicker in words with the rhetors, who thought themselves to be wise. You, O saint, inflamed with zeal for God, believing that the preaching of Christ is not in debates of wisdom with human words, but in the manifestation of the spirit and power, exposing the most wise in this, you brought the to reason and set them on the true path. Every one who saw this miracle cried out: Rejoice, you light of Orthodox wisdom; Rejoice, for they who spoke to be wise fellow questioners you put to shame. Rejoice, you abundant source of grace; Rejoice, you unshakable pillar, firmly holding up those who be in faith. Rejoice, you who darkens the all-pernicious heresy; Rejoice, you through whom madness has been trampled underfoot. Rejoice, for the dust of earth preached in your hands the Holy Trinity; Rejoice, for you brought out fire and water of clay in confirmation of the Holy Trinity dogma. Rejoice, for Thou hast enlightened people to glorify the Word, Who truly is consubstantial with the Eternal Father; Rejoice, for you have defeated the serpent’s head of the destructive Arian heresy. Rejoice for evil was sacrificed because of you; Rejoice, you co-questioner of the unfaithful sage, having turned him to the true faith. Rejoice, Spyridon, you most wonderful miracle worker.


Kontakion 4

Spending life in squalor and poverty, to beggars and the poor you were a nourisher and helper, and, for the sake of love for the poor, you turned the serpent into gold and you gave it to those who required your help. Marveling at this miracle, we cry out to God in gratitude: Alleluia.


Ikos 4

Everyone has heard, and everywhere, that Saint Spyridon truly is the dwelling place of the Holy Trinity: [for] God the Father, God the Word and God the Holy Spirit dwells in him. For this reason with words and deeds you preached to every Christian the true God incarnate, crying out: Rejoice, you secret-keeper of the word of God; Rejoice, you who have clarified the economy of God for the salvation of the world. Rejoice, for you have taught that to not experience this is superior to human reason and wisdom; Rejoice, you who have revealed the incomprehensible power of God acting in you. Rejoice, for with your lips God Himself has spoken; Rejoice, for all listened to you in sweetness. Rejoice, you who have dispelled the fog of idolatry; Rejoice, for you have brought many to the true faith. Rejoice, for having slain the heads of the invisible serpents; rejoice because of you the Christian faith is glorified. Rejoice, for you illumine brightly all those who please [and glorify] you; Rejoice, you champion of the Christian faith and Orthodoxy. Rejoice, Spyridon, you most wonderful miracle worker.


Kontakion 5

You were filled with the Divine Spirit, Saint Spyridon, for the sake of your virtuous life; you were always meek, merciful, pure in heart, long-suffering, not spiteful, with love for strangers: for this reason the Creator has shown you to also be most glorious in miracles. And we, glorifying God, Who has glorified you, cry out to Him: Alleluia.


Ikos 5

We see Spyridon, the great miracle worker, [as] equal-to-the-angels. The country once suffered from lack of rain and great drought: there was famine and plague, and many people died, but through the prayers of the saint from heaven there came down rain onto the ground; and the people, having been delivered from the disaster, cried out in gratitude: Rejoice, you have become like the great prophet Elijah; Rejoice, for you brought down the rain that takes away famine and illness in good time. Rejoice, again through your prayers you locked the sky; Rejoice, for you punished the unmerciful merchant with deprivation of his property. Rejoice, for you have abundantly given food to those who need it; Rejoice, for you champion God’s charity [kind disposition to welfare] for people. Rejoice, you who take away the infirmities of the weak; Rejoice, you God-gracious helper to man. Rejoice, you who give health to the sick; Rejoice, for demons tremble [in fear] before you. Rejoice, you source of countless miracles. Rejoice, Spyridon, you most wonderful miracle worker.


Kontakion 6

The veil of the Old Testament tabernacle closed in the Holy of the Holy the ark, the manna and the tablets. And your temple, Oh Saint Spyridon, has a shrine of yours, like an ark, your holy relics – like manna, your heart – like tablets of Divine grace, on them we see a chant inscribed: Alleluia.


Ikos 6

The Lord once punished the people of Cyprus for the increase of lawlessness with barrenness of the earth, and when a well-known farmer came to Saint Spyridon, asking for help, the Saint gave him gold; and once the disaster passed, that farmer returned the gold again, and – what a miracle – the gold became a serpent. Glorifying God, Who is wondrous in His saints, we cry out: Rejoice, as you imitated Moses, who miraculously transformed the staff into a serpent; Rejoice, you Shepherd lover of humanity, do deliver the verbal sheep of your flock from troubles. Rejoice, abundantly do all enrich with all blessings; Rejoice, nourishing the poor like Elijah. Rejoice, turning the unmerciful to mercy; Rejoice, you venerable example of love for people living in the world. Rejoice, you consolation for both faithful and unfaithful in troubles; Rejoice, you hay-leaved tree, overshadowing both the city and the country. Rejoice, you glory and praise to the Kerkyrians; Rejoice, you who by the grace of God has dominion over moisture and drought, over heat and cold. Rejoice, you who changes statutes of the earth with prayer; Rejoice, you who has foreseen both what is to come, and the present. Rejoice, Spyridon, you most wonderful miracle worker.


Kontakion 7

You have appeared an intercessor before the Lord for everyone, Saint Spyridon. For this reason we, too, come running under your roof, seeking salvation, to have you help us all in all needs, during famines, deadly plagues and in all times of troubles and temptations. For this reason, with gratitude we cry out to God: Alleluia.


Ikos 7

We see a new miracle and it is Divine [magnificent]; when you, father, marched to deliver an innocent man sentenced to death, a stormy stream blocked your way; and you, by the name of the Almighty God, commanded it to stand still and crossed the river with your companions as if [walking] on dry land. The glory of this miracle spread everywhere, and all having glorified God, crying out to you: Rejoice, you who like Joshua crossed the Jordan once, walked the river as on dry land; Rejoice, you who with your voice tamed the river onrush. Rejoice, for you have undertaken a difficult path, driven by mercy; Rejoice, for you destroyed slander and delivered the innocent from the bonds of prison and vain death. Rejoice, you quick helper of life according to God; Rejoice, you defender of the innocently oppressed. Rejoice, you changer of the statutes [essence] of water’s nature; Rejoice, for you didst admonish the judge and saved [one] from [being] murder [-ed]. Rejoice, you [being] true correction of souls; Rejoice, you wondrous power with-holding the streams. Rejoice, you who delightest the hearts of people who come to you; Rejoice, you imitator of Abraham's love for mankind. Rejoice, Spyridon, you most wonderful miracle worker.


Kontakion 8

You were a wanderer and new-comer on earth, just as you other people were. However, the Omniscient showed you from the womb of the mother to be great saint and wonderworker, Oh Saint Spyridon: for you cast out demons, you heal every disease and ulcer, you see the thoughts of people, and by these you also appeared marvelous among the saints. We, sending up a prayer to God, the Benefactor of all, cry out to Him: Alleluia. 


Ikos 8

The whole world will shudder greatly with horror when it hears, for death, at your voice, brings back its dead from their graves, and will cry out: Rejoice, you who called back to life your deceased daughter, so she may reveal the treasure entrusted to her; Rejoice, you who comforted the sorrowful widow, who gave gold for safekeeping. Rejoice, you who raised the deceased offspring from the dead; Rejoice, for his mother who suddenly dies from joy, you brought [back] to life. Rejoice for you emulated Elijah, who through prayers restored to life the son of Sarept’s woman; Rejoice, for you also emulated Elisha, who aroused the youth from death. Rejoice, you shepherd who sincerely loves people; Rejoice, you who by the name of God forgave the sins of the harlot wife that washed your feet with her tears. Rejoice, you who [cherished and] acquired the holy zeal of the Supreme Apostle; Rejoice, for the unrepentant woman sinner, according to your words, died in grave illnesses. Rejoice, having obtained fruitfulness through your prayers for the earth; Rejoice, you immutable assurance of the resurrection of men. Rejoice, Spyridon, you most wonderful miracle worker.


Kontakion 9

You were illuminated by the Divine Spirit, Saint Spyridon, for you had the spirit wisdom, as with wise words you have brought reason to [overwhelmed] the fools, and [also] among the fathers, you established the faith through the spirit of reason, for you have illuminated the darkened minds; by the spirit of the fear of God, for you have purified the soul by taking out the guilt for doing things pleasing to God. By doing so, having presented yourself to the Throne of the Most High, you chant with a host of Angels to Him: Alleluia.


Ikos 9

Having received staff of a shepherd of verbal sheep from the Chief Shepherd the Lord Jesus, Oh Saint Spyridon, you altered not your living: unworldly [‘not-for-profit’], meek, enduring everything for the sake of love, you were not ashamed to take care for the flock of dumb sheep. All this excites us to glorify God and cry out to you: Rejoice, you who despises the vain glory of this world; Rejoice, you who have gained great requital in Heaven. Rejoice, you who have imputed to the mind the beauty of this world: Rejoice, you vessel of heavenly blessings. Rejoice, you most holy pasture of the Cypriots; Rejoice, because for your sake God tied with unseen bonds the predators of your sheep. Rejoice, you who taught fatherly admonition to ravishers; Rejoice, you who gave them a ram, by your mercy, for the night spent without sleep. Rejoice, you who by the goat’s disobedience, as if it had rteason, exposed the merchant who hid its price; Rejoice, you who brought to repentance the one who kept hidden your silver coins. Rejoice, you who with your admonition healed him from the passions of greed. Rejoice, Spyridon, you most wonderful miracle worker.


Kontakion 10

By saving the souls of the flock entrusted to you by God, you, Saint Spyridon, by the will of God, were called to reveal your glory, especially so the glory of the true God, also unto other countries, so that everywhere they would glorify the name of God, crying out: Alleluia.


Ikos 10

A quick helper and intercessor in all needs and sorrows, Saint Spyridon, at the command of the Tsar, like the other shepherds, you came to the city of Antioch, where King Constantine was overcome by the illness; the Saint touched his head and made it healthy. Marveling at this miracle, we cry out to you: Rejoice, you who in a dream vision, an Angel revealed as a healer to the king; Rejoice, you who for the sake of Divine love accepted the difficult travel in old age. Rejoice, you who according to the commandment of the Savior presented the other cheek to the king's servant, who struck you in the cheek; Rejoice, you pillar of humility. Rejoice, you who through your prayers in tears granted health to the tsar; Rejoice, as through your humiliation brought reason to your servant and changed his unmerciful disposition. Rejoice, for you taught the king piety and mercy; Rejoice, for hating earthly treasure, you rejected the king’s gold. Rejoice, for you turned away your disciple Triphyllia from addiction to earthly goods and made him into a vessel of God’s grace; Rejoice, for the idols that came to you in Alexandria fell. Rejoice, for even demons obey you; Rejoice, for you have turned many away from idolatry. Rejoice, Spyridon, you most wonderful miracle worker.


Kontakion 11

There was angelic singing when in the temple you, Saint Spyridon, offered your evening prayers, and there was not for those who served with you. The residents of the city, having heard the wondrous chanting, entered the temple and, seeing no one, they chanted along with the powers from on-high: Alleluia.


Ikos 11

You radiant sun of the world, interlocutor of the Angels you were on earth, Saint Spyridon; having given up your spirit unto the hand of God, you relocated to an On-high dwelling, praying for peace before the Throne of the Lord. And we, who live on the earth, cry out to you: Rejoice, for Angels served together with you when [you were] still living; Rejoice, you have been hearing the psalmody of the Archangels. Rejoice, you visible image our transformation; Rejoice, for God for your sake filled up with excess the lamp of those who lacked oil in the temple. Rejoice, you lamp of Divine radiance; Rejoice, you vessel of God's grace that abundantly, like oil [myrrh], fills up your soul. Rejoice, you inexhaustible source, forever flowing currents of grace to everyone; Rejoice, you, with him the Angels are amazed. Rejoice, you who admonish the deacon's disobedience in the temple; Rejoice, you who deprived the one vainglorious in his voice of both his voice and tongue. Rejoice, for in time heat, suddenly dew descended from above and cooled your sacred head; Rejoice, in that sign you foretold the nearness of your own repose. Rejoice, Spyridon, you most wonderful miracle worker.


Kontakion 12

Being a shroud and refuge for all faithful who come to you even in your life-time, you, saint, have not left us orphaned even after your repose; God, conqueror of the order of nature, preserved your holy relics incorruptible for the strengthening of Orthodox faith and piety, as a sign of immortality, and glorifying Him, we cry out: Alleluia.


Ikos 12

We sing praises to you, Oh holy hierarch of God, for you have amazed the world with the miracles flowing out of your holy relics. All who come with faith and who kiss them receive all the good things they ask for. And we, glorify the God Who gave you the fortress, Who crowned you with the crown of incorruption and Who acted through, we cry out to you: Rejoice, you appeared to the shipwright during a famine and commanded to delivered food; Rejoice, you who gifted sight to the blind, who with faith [hurried to] venerated your holy relics. Rejoice, you who healed the youth from the incurable illness; Rejoice, you who cast away the demon from the woman and made her healthy. Rejoice, you elected voivode [leader] of Kerkyra; Rejoice, for you drove out the hordes of wicked Hagarians and drowned their ships into the deep sea. Rejoice, you whom they saw surrounded by a host of Angels, holding a sword in his right hand and bringing the enemies into awe [thrill]; Rejoice, you who build yourself a temple in which the governor forbade liturgy to be celebrated on unleavened bread. Rejoice, you who struck the Latin governor with cruel death; Rejoice, you who burned down his image with a lightning at his house in Venice. Rejoice, you who have put to shame the apostasy and false wisdom of the West; Rejoice, you who asserted only the Orthodox faith to be true and salvific for people. Rejoice, Spyridon, you most wonderful miracle worker!


Kontakion 13

O most wonderful saint of Christ, Father Spyridon! Receive this current prayer of ours, deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes, strengthen us against the enemies of our country, grant us forgiveness of our sins and save from eternal death everyone crying out unto you to God: Alleluia!


(This kontakion is read 3 times, followed then by Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1)



A Prayer Before Communion
by St Dimitry of Rostov

Open, O doors and bolts of my heart
that Christ the King of Glory may enter!
Enter, O my Light and enlighten my darkness;
enter, O my Life, and resurrect my deadness;
enter, O my Physician and heal my wounds;
enter, O Divine Fire, and burn up the thorns of my sins;
ignite my inward parts and my heart with the flame of Thy love;
enter, O my King, and destroy in me the kingdom of sin;
sit on the throne of my heart and [You] alone reign in me,
O Thou, my King and Lord.

To DOWNLOAD – a PHP /pdf/ Book on 10 Miracle-Working Icons of Theotokos

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